Gas Turbine Services

We offer full services(Long Term Agreement) for power generation gas turbines, including parts manufacturing, repair, planned maintenance, routine maintenance, and rotor maintenance, based on our more than 30 years of combined experience in aircraft gas turbine manufacturing and maintenance technology.
- Upgrade & Modification of Gas Turbines Using H2 Co-firing Technology.
- Development of reverse engineering in cooperation with private power generators, KEPCO's five power production firms, and government initiatives.
- Extending life by replacing susceptible gas turbine components and implementing a customized life assessment program.
- Complete capacity to fix parts for manufacturers like as GE, SIEMENS, and MP.
- Regular and planned maintenance by a qualified supervisor dispatch.
- Comprehensive upgrades, changes, and Long Term Service Agreements(LTSAs) for combustion systems.
- Maintenance of medium- and large-scale rotors, such as those of gas turbines, steam turbines, TRTs, and CDQ turbines.